
Mission Statement

My nickname from college is “Grandpa Zach”. Depending who you ask, it may be because of my sometimes grumpy personality, love of high waisted pants or complaints of back pain. But others will say that it is because of the effort I make to ensure their comfort.

My cousin, Christopher, helped nurture the "good side" of Grandpa Zach. He always made an effort to connect with his family through shared experiences. When I started my college career in music, Christopher was diagnosed with Leukemia. He may not have known the difference between a sharp or a flat, but Christopher made sure to always take an interest in me. Before Christopher’s passing, we shared our last conversation discussing the healing nature of music.

I think Christopher and I would both agree that Grandpa’s Jam will be a great experience to share with those around you. I am beyond excited for this opportunity to build a stage, operate a professional sound reinforcement system, and share our family’s music to help support the Christopher M. Fuga Memorial Foundation. It is through my family and friends that I am able to apply my knowledge and experience to produce an event where people can connect with each other through the universal language of music.

Christopher M. Fuga Memorial Foundation

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